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FAST - Scalable agile project management for transformation projects

Agiles Projektmanagement ist lĂ€ngst keine Sondererscheinung mehr: Kleine Teams liefern schnelle Ergebnisse, reagieren flexibel auf sich verĂ€ndernde Anforderungen, arbeiten interdisziplinĂ€r und nutzen die Vorteile der vernetzten Arbeitswelt. Bei Großprojekten stoßen bisherige agile Methoden jedoch an Grenzen. FAST bietet eine skalierbare, leicht zu erlernende Alternative.

Agile project management methods-such as Scrum-are great for small teams: Participants work in short, focused sprints. Thanks to short communication channels and regular exchanges, everyone stays in sync - the goal is clear and the added value high. Agile project planning also ensures that necessary adjustments can be made at any time without jeopardizing the project schedule.


Doch spĂ€testens bei grĂ¶ĂŸeren Digitalisierungsprojekten zeigen sich die Schwachstellen dieser agilen Entwicklungsmethoden: Kommen mehrere Teams ins Spiel, funktioniert das agile Projektmanagement nur so lange, wie die Teams untereinander auf agile Weise kommunizieren können. Plötzlich vervielfachen sich der Kommunikations- und Abstimmungsaufwand. Die Termine hĂ€ufen sich, und der rhythm, der im einzelnen Team herrscht, lĂ€sst sich nicht ohne Weiteres auf das große Ganze ĂŒbertragen.

The more people involved in an agile project, the more need there is for another layer of oversight, schedule monitoring, and accountability. At this point, only a scalable agile framework can provide the necessary framework - such as FAST.

FAST makes agile project management almost limitlessly scalable

Probably the best known and most successful scalable agile framework is SAFeÂź (Scaled Agile Framework). This framework provides organizational and workflow methods that can be used to establish agile project management across the enterprise. Especially in large projects, there is little point in having individual teams working in an agile manner if the rest of the organization is not connected to the process. The full potential of agile is only realized when everyone is connected.

FAST steht fĂŒr „Framework for Agile Scaled Teams“ und basiert in Teilen auf dem bewĂ€hrten SAFeÂź-Framework. Dank der Möglichkeit zur Skalierung, wie sie auch aus SAFeÂź bekannt ist, lassen sich selbst grĂ¶ĂŸte Transformationsprojekte auf mehreren Ebenen umsetzen, ĂŒberblicken und in Bezug auf Zeit und Budget steuern. Ebenso wie das SAFeÂź-Projektmanagement arbeitet FAST mit bekannten Rollen, Templates und Tools, sodass ein Übergang mĂŒhelos möglich ist.

However, FAST uses only the most important aspects of the agile SAFeŸ framework and presents a deliberately simplified framework that focuses on the essentials. Thus, FAST is compared to other methodslean, lightweight and quick to learn - even for teams that have not worked with SAFeŸ or other agile methods before. As a result, FAST is highly accepted, allows the simultaneous involvement of many project members, and can be expected to improve performance in the first weeks after implementation.

FAST is lightweight and pragmatic based on the Scaled Agile Framework

FAST combines the flexibility and scalability of the Scaled Agile framework with the clarity and assured delivery of the waterfall model. This is possible because of the four core elements of FAST:

Rhythmus, Wertschöpfung, Strukturen, Menschen

Fixed time intervals, both at the small team level and at the overall project level (such as Season Planning), provide a fixed rhythm that creates commitment and focus: This creates predictable overlaps between teams and different levels, so that everyone involved works synchronously and efficiently and the project remains in flow at all times. With the help of the Value streams the large "elephant", the overall project, is divided into smaller projects, which in turn are broken down into work packages and tasks. Each team works within a "value stream," that is, to achieve very specific values and goals within the larger project, with maximum focus.

Rhythm and Value Streams naturally result in a reliable project structure: the FAST planning matrix. It provides visibility, measurable progress, and reliable goal achievement. Last but not least, the People building block - creating the necessary core values and beliefs among all stakeholders - is also an important component of FAST.

On this basis, FAST::

  • Powerful like a Scaled Agile Framework, yet lightweight and lean
  • Both dynamic and innovative as well as safe and controllable
  • Flexibly adaptable and at the same time plannable in the long term
  • despite short implementation time also suitable for large and complex programs.
Fast Season Planning Abbildung

Agile Projects - 100% reliable?

With our agile project framework FAST, we make agile digitization projects and transformation programs plannable and manageable.

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Join our experts to learn how to effectively use FAST in your organization.





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