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Thomas Lucas-Nülle

Thomas Lucas-Nülle, CEO of Xtentio GmbH is one of the leading experts in the field of digital transformation of corporate information management. Based on profound knowledge of systems and technologies such as e-commerce, product information and media asset management as well as content management, Xtentio, under his leadership, is primarily working to strategically prepare companies for the challenges of the digital future. Thomas Lucas-Nülle worked on various studies and is the author of specialist articles on the subject of the digitalization of companies.

Implementing FAST pragmatically: Best practices

February 7, 2022

So funktioniert FAST in der Praxis: Mit unseren Best Practices und den richtigen Tools bringen Sie das agile Framework auf Touren!

Rhythm: The overarching heartbeat in project management with FAST

November 22, 2021

Die Vorteile des agilen Projektmanagements kombiniert mit der Verlässlichkeit des klassischen Projektmanagements: Der Rhythmus von FAST macht es möglich.

FAST - Scalable agile project management for transformation projects

October 4, 2021

Where agile development methods reach their limits, FAST - the Framework for Agile Scaled Teams - combines scalability with ease of implementation, clarity and predictability.

Einfach mal die Perspektive wechseln

March 15, 2021

Digital transformation is gaining momentum right now. And there are companies that are digital pioneers and have weathered the crisis comparatively better than you. That's where a change of perspective can help you pick the right actions and strategies from the many options available.

"Fit for Digital" with the Digital Transformation Coach

December 14, 2020

Ein guter Personal Trainer schaut sich seinen Kunden genau an, bevor er ein passendes Trainingsprogramm entwirft. Genau so geht auch ein Digital Transformation Coach vor.

Hit The Road - The Digital Transformation Roadmap

December 7, 2020

Der digitale Wandel muss realisier- und bezahlbar bleiben und darf die Organisation nicht überlasten. Eine wichtige Leitplanke ist die Digital Transformation Roadmap.

Out of the Forest with Objective Evaluation Methods

November 16, 2020

Eine offene, objektive Analyse und die ehrliche Bewertung der Situation ist der erste und wichtigste Schritt zur Problemlösung.

Video: Why a PIM System is the central element of the data supply chain

October 12, 2020

"Why a PIM system? Can't an ERP do that too? The difference is that PIM systems manage product information differently. I then have technical properties much much finer, so they're also more findable and searchable."

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