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Season Planning in FAST: Alignment and transparency at all levels

Agile project methods make it possible to react flexibly to changes. However, as soon as large projects have several subprojects or "value streams" coordination between the teams is indispensable. This alignment - harmonization at different levels throughout the project - is the main goal of Season Planning in the scalable agile framework FAST..

What is FAST Season Planning?

Seasonal planning (from the English "season" = "time of year") is a quarterly coordination among all participants (or representatives of the teams involved) working on a project.

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"The result of Season Planning is a clear and documented roadmap for the next quarter that everyone involved in the project can use as a guide. This will allow for focused, value-added work over the coming months."

Heiko SĂŒthoff, Chief Strategy Officer Xtentio GmbH

Season Planning is the heart of the rhythm in FAST and enables projects to be scaled far beyond the usual scope in Scrum using agile methods and still remain manageable.

Heiko SĂŒthoff

The Season Planning...

  • creates alignment between all levels of even large transformation projects,
  • helps to synchronize the different value streams, goals, teams, delivery objects or results,
  • ensures a value-creating focus and
  • creates mutual understanding and trust,
  • causes all participants to pull together synchronously and effectively.

Season Planning not only promotes collaboration, but also identifies potential interdependencies between value streams: To avoid shutdowns, Season Planning also helps to ensure that all teams have the necessary information, additional work, etc., at the agreed time so that they can continue to work in a targeted manner.

The agenda of a season planning meeting with FAST

Two days are typically scheduled for Season Planning, with all team members attending. This may sound like a lot of time and effort, but planning the season for a major transformation project requires time for collaboration and freedom. Because all project stakeholders are actively involved in the planning process, there is a high level of alignment. And after these two days, everyone involved is clear about the results to be expected over the next three months and how to achieve them.  

So one of the purposes of Season Planning is to,

  • Review and set goals for the upcoming quarter,
  • Prioritize,
  • plan them work and the resources needed for it,
  • and to make the work manageable and controllable for all involved (and in Value streams )

For the season planning of a typical cross-enterprise transformation program, the following two-day agenda has proven effective:

Day 1

  1. Welcome and Warm Up
  2. Season Review: Presentation of last season's results by the Value Stream Owners.
  3. Business Objectives: Presentation and explanation of the overall business objectives for the upcoming season by the Program Owner.
  4. Value Stream Objectives: In the individual teams, the overarching business objectives are evaluated and broken down to the operational objectives of the value stream. What needs to be done to achieve the overall business goals? Breakout sessions will be held for this purpose.
    It is evaluated whether the goals can be achieved within the season. If this is not the case, the necessary adjustments will be made. The results are then presented to all participants.
  5. Summary Day 1 and Outlook Day 2 by the Program Owner

Day 2

  • Value Stream Planning: Based on the adjustments made and solutions proposed, the process for the coming quarter is concretized in each Value Stream. Tasks are pre-defined and scheduled in upcoming sprints. This planning is also done individually for each value stream in breakout sessions. Possible dependencies on the results of other value streams are recorded on a dependency chart.
  • Dependencies: Dependencies are jointly checked, evaluated and resolved if possible.
  • Risk Evaluation & Confidence Voting: This important vote identifies potential risks and verifies whether the majority of stakeholders are confident that the discussed target can be achieved with the agreed adjustments in the next quarter.
  • Re-plan: additional breakout sessions in the individual value streams, if necessary. These are necessary if the Confidence Vote has shown that the stakeholders are not yet convinced of the joint planning and that adjustments are necessary.
  • Retrospective: Finally, feedback and suggestions for improvement of the Season Planning will be collected. It is used to continuously develop and improve further planning sessions.
  • Summary Day 2 summary and next steps by the program owner

Onsite or digital?

The FAST FAST Season Planning can be delivered as an onsite team workshop or as a digital event. Standardized FAST Season Planning templates and a collaborative whiteboard tool help. Both options are recommended.

Grafik eines Seasonplannings in FAST

What are the advantages of Season Planning over traditional project planning?

Season Planning is a lightweight, focused, and time-bound planning and synchronization tool that helps build consensus around goals to be achieved in the shortest amount of time. Because all stakeholders (or their representatives) participate in season planning, teams work hand in hand. At the same time, transparency and the focus on a common goal increase the motivation of all employees.

Das Season Planning schafft außerdem die wichtige Verbindung zwischen strategischen Businesszielen und operativer Umsetzung, sodass Value Streams und Workstreams einander bestmöglich ergĂ€nzen und unterstĂŒtzen können. Nicht zuletzt macht es das Season Planning möglich, die Vorteile agiler Methoden mit den Vorteilen der vorausschauenden Planung des Wasserfallmodells zu kombinieren: Flexibles Reagieren auf sich stets verĂ€ndernde Anforderungen und hohe Wertschöpfung bei gleichzeitiger Planbarkeit und Sicherheit – eine Kombination, die FAST im Vergleich zu anderen Projektmanagementmethoden einzigartig macht.

Fast Season Planning Abbildung

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With our agile project framework FAST, we make agile digitization projects and transformation programs plannable and manageable.

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