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Tägliches Homeoffice – eine ideale Lösung?

Flexibility is becoming increasingly important in today's workplace. Especially in an era of remote working and hybrid work models, many employees are looking for ways to adapt their work environment to be both productive and balanced. For some, working from home on a daily basis may be the optimal solution, while others are looking for alternative work locations that support their way of working.

Our Digital Marketing Manager Kim Wolf reports on her own experiences.

The challenge of working from home every day

As an employee of Xtentio GmbH, I have gotten to know the advantages of hybrid working over the past few years. I've realized that working from home every day is not always the ideal solution - at least not for me. Fortunately, there are alternatives that allow you to be productive and flexible at the same time.

For many people, working from home may be the perfect work-life balance. However, after a good 3 years of hybrid working, I can say for myself: I'm more productive when I'm not working from home every day.

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"I'm all the happier that there are options like coworking spaces and that it's perfectly fine for Xtentio to work where I feel productive."

Kim Wolf, our Digital Marketing Manager on LinkedIn


"Flexible as life itself"

With the motto "As flexible as life itself", we at Xtentio are free to choose where we work according to our own preferences. And since our headquarters are not close to my home, I am especially grateful for this flexibility when the next team meeting is still a while away.

Coworking spaces as a solution

Coworking spaces offer not only a professional work environment, but also the opportunity to exchange ideas with other creative minds and gain new inspiration. 





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