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Implementing FAST pragmatically: Best practices

Die Theorie von FAST als agiler Projektmanagementmethode hat Sie überzeugt – doch wie sieht es mit der Umsetzung aus? In der Praxis gelingt die Arbeit mit FAST, wenn die gewählten Tools – wie auch FAST selbst – sowohl zentrale Planung als auch individuelle Flexibilität unterstützen. Hier finden Sie wichtige Empfehlungen für die erfolgreiche Einführung unseres skalierbaren agilen Frameworks in Ihrem Projektalltag.

Basic requirements for a successful implementation with FAST

The scalable agile framework FAST stands out compared to other agile project methods dadurch aus, dass es die verlässliche Planbarkeit des klassischen project management, mit den vielen Vorteilen des agilen Arbeitens vereint. Dieses Spannungsfeld müssen auch die gewählten Tools mittragen können: Einerseits braucht es eine zentrale Koordination, die für alle am Projekt Beteiligten zugänglich ist. Zugleich muss diese aber auch größtmögliche Freiheit dafür bieten, innerhalb verschiedener Value Streams unabhängig und zielgerichtet zu arbeiten.

The new communication and documentation channels and the rhythmic planning activities also replace the regular (e.g. monthly) meetings common in the waterfall model, in which stakeholders are informed about the current project status. Therefore, it is essential that the new methods used by FAST still create alignment at the various project levels - especially with regard to the goals set by Season Planning. So the tools have to be able to do that, too.

Use of the tools at different time levels

The following is common to all tools: There will usually be a central channel or board through which all participants can get an overview of the entire project. In addition, there are channels or boards for each value stream. Within this, all members of a value stream can communicate or document internally.

The different timeboxeswhich form the basis for the rhythm in FAST, are also mapped. Separate channels or boards are recommended for the following timeboxes:

  • Project or annual planning
  • Season Planning (3-month planning)
  • Sprint Planning (e.g. 2-week planning)

How many Value streams auf der jeweiligen Zeitebene eingesetzt und dementsprechend auch abgebildet werden, hängt meist direkt von der Projektgröße ab. Grundsätzlich sollte jeder Value Stream in der Lage sein, während der Sprints komplett unabhängig von anderen Value Streams zu arbeiten. Werden während des Season Plannings dennoch Abhängigkeiten zwischen den einzelnen Streams identifiziert, werden sie in den Sprint Plannings berücksichtigt und aufgelöst.

Arne Kück
großer Pfeil bronze

"The tools presented in this list are well suited for most companies and project groups. However, we are also happy to advise you individually for your project situation!"

Arne Kück, Consultant of Xtentio GmbH


Our recommendation: Tools for implementing FAST

Die folgenden Tools sind unserer Erfahrung nach gut geeignet für den Einstieg in FAST. Vielfach existieren auch Alternativen von anderen Anbietern. Zögern Sie also nicht, andere Tools auszuprobieren, wenn diese Ihrem Bedarf besser gerecht werden.

Project communication Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams provides a good foundation for cross-project communication at all levels. Each value stream also has its own team channel for internal communication.
Goals and tasks Asana Asana's web and mobile apps are great for creating a centralized yearly board that shows goals and tasks across all value streams. In addition, the central season board should be recreated for each quarter. Finally, each value stream gets its own active sprint board for daily work.
Task management for development Jira Many developers are used to working with Jira.While Jira can often seem overwhelming to other users, there is nothing stopping internal developers from continuing to work in Jira as long as progress is also tracked in Asana for all to see. However, there are exceptions to the rule: Some of our customers have successfully used Jira for overall task management in large transformation programs. All project team members were trained in advance.
Documentation Confluence For permanent documentation and easy knowledge sharing, we recommend Confluence. It is also a good idea to create a page structure for each value stream to document goals, requirements, specifications, and other work products. For transparent information sharing, these pages must be visible to all project members. Confluence also centrally documents high-level project information, such as the long-term roadmap, annual goals, the project glossary, subproject profiles, roles and responsibilities, and the results and minutes of all project meetings and workshops.
Planning meetings and workshops Miro Use Miro as a digital whiteboard to engage everyone in remote meetings. Miro enables collaboration even in larger groups. Again, provide at least one season board and one sprint board per value stream, or one year board depending on the situation. The individual Miro boards can be accessed via links from within Confluence, so valuable idea gathering and planning is never lost. In addition, a digital whiteboard is a must for any workshop when it comes to developing and visualizing requirements and concepts with a larger group. This is especially true for process workshops.

Fast Season Planning Abbildung

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